Envie d’un petit-déjeuner copieux ? Testez cette recette du magazine I Love English World consacré à la ville de San Francisco, où l’on apprécie beaucoup ces muffins à l’œuf !
Ingredients for 6 muffins
• 6 large eggs
• 250g flour
• 1 tablespoon baking* powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt & pepper
• 300ml milk
• 125g butter
• 1 large egg
• 250g sausage* meat
• 125g cheese (Cheddar), grated*
• 2 tablespoons chopped* scallions*
• 1 large six-hole muffin* tray
1• Bring* a pan* of water to the boil. Lower* in the six eggs and cook for five to six minutes. Remove immediately to an ice* bath and leave to cool in fridge.
2• Cook* the sausage meat in a frying* pan, then chop* into small pieces.
3• Preheat oven to 230°C. Whisk* the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
4• Melt* the butter in a pan, let it cool* a little, then whisk* in the egg and milk.
5• Pour* the butter mixture into the dry ingredients and fold* in. Add* the cheese, sausage, scallions. Combine.
6• Grease* a six-hole muffin tray. Place two tablespoons of batter* into each hole* of the muffin tray.
7• Gently* peel* the eggs. Place an egg in each of the holes and cover it with more batter. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven and enjoy immediately!
- Chef’s tip : If you like a runny* yolk, put the peeled* soft-boiled* eggs in the freezer for an hour before placing them in the muffin batter*!
****** Vocabulaire anglais ******
add: ajouter
baking powder: levure chimique
batter: préparation
bring… to the boil: faire bouillir…
chop (pp. chopped): émincer
combine: mélanger
cook: faire revenir
cool (let it…): laisser refroidir
fold in: mélanger
frying pan: poêle
gently: délicatement
grated: râpé
grease: beurrer
hole: trou
ice bath: eau refroidie avec des glaçons
lower: plonger dedans
melt (pp. melted): faire fondre
muffin tray (six-hole…): moule à muffins (pour six)
pan: casserole
peel: écaler
pour: verser
runny yolk: jaune coulant
sausage meat: chair à saucisse
scallion: oignon vert
soft-boiled egg: œuf mollet
whisk: fouetter
whisk in: incorporer en fouettant