USA : pourquoi le Pentagone est-il un pentagone ?

Why is the Pentagona pentagon? Chaque mois dans I Love English World, retrouvez The big question… et sa réponse !


The giant headquarters of America’s Department of Defense owes its unique shape (and name) to the five-sided parcel of land in Virginia it was originally designed to fit. In the end, it was built on another site where a pentagonal shape was no longer necessary. But by then it was too late to create a new design: America was about to enter the Second World War and the need for a new military complex to house the nation’s growing war department was urgent. In any case, President Franklin D Roosevelt loved its uniqueness. He gave it the go-ahead “because nothing like it has ever been done before”.


Tara Swann (I Love English World, 298)


Crédit photo : ©Shutterstock

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